IT system house & EDI software provider
from Bergisch Gladbach, near Cologne
IT system houses combine software and hardware into complete solutions for companies. This ensures that business processes run smoothly, avoids downtime and saves costs for in-house IT resources. In this respect, we are first and foremost a system house, but we are also more than that: We offer our customers services for all aspects of information technology from a single source - IT consulting & IT project management, IT infrastructure, IT security and IT support. As a provider of the EDI software i‑effect®, we also have special expertise in the field of electronic data interchange (EDI) and IBM i.
This makes us a full-service IT provider.

menten GmbH - We introduce ourselves
Industry-neutral but platform-bound - with this orientation, menten GmbH has acquired a significant market position as an innovative EDI software house since 1989. Specialized in workflow and lifecycle for electronic data exchange, EDI and data conversion as well as data integration especially on IBM i and IBM Power Systems.
Company founder Ralph Menten and his team were among the first specialists for the then still new AS/400 server family. They are familiar with the details and further developments of the IBM midrange technology as only few on the market are. Since 1989, menten has been working with its partners and customers to further centralize and simplify electronic communication in the (now) IBM i environment.
Today, menten GmbH has more than 350 customers and 790 installations of the i‑effect® software worldwide, giving it an extremely broad and long-standing know-how in the hardware and software environment of the AS/400. Customers come from various sectors, such as trade, industry, finance, energy supply, insurance, logistics, and the automotive sector. Many customers from the very beginning still belong to the active customer base.
For some years now, we have also been offering small and medium-sized companies in the greater NRW area our entire IT know-how beyond our previous core topic of EDI. As an IT system house, we cover all relevant topics relating to IT consulting, IT infrastructure, IT security and IT support holistically for our customers.
EDI software provider
EDI software (i-effect) & EDI services on IBM i/AS400
The menten GmbH develops and distributes a high-quality, in the middle class used application for electronic data interchange on IBM Power Systems with the name i‑effect®.
As a solution for B2B communication and the automation of electronic business processes, it is used by well-known medium-sized companies at home and abroad to handle data conversions, communication, signatures and encryption.
With its many years of experience in the project business, menten GmbH supports its customers in the design, installation, setup and commissioning of complex EDI connections.

IT system house
Whether small or large, craftsman or industrial company.
We look after your entire IT landscape.
The basic processes and the structure of the IT landscape are not that different in most companies. That is why menten GmbH did not specialize in certain industries from the outset.
We look for and find a solution for every company that uses hardware and software to manage its business processes, based on the individual circumstances. Thus, our customers include craft firms as well as insurers or industrial companies.
IT specialist for all cases
We deliver results instead of beating around the bush: Consider IT solved
Medium-sized companies think pragmatically. No unnecessarily long concepts and strategy meetings, but quick and solution-oriented in practice. This approach is also cultivated by menten Gmbh.
In the realization of our services we attach importance to fast, uncomplicated and high quality solutions because we know what matters to medium-sized businesses.
Our working motto: Just do it, instead of talking around it. We don't overwhelm our customers with unnecessary technical terms and thereby don't embarrass them. Instead, we talk about IT in a way that makes it understandable.
Service provider with suitable appearance
We find the right balance between nerd and tie wearer.
Das persönliche Verhältnis zu unseren Kunden ist uns in der täglichen Arbeit besonders wichtig. At the same time, we always have a sense for the necessary professional distance, the border to chumminess is never crossed. This mixture of business and casual is what customers appreciate about menten GmbH – no taciturn nerds who throw around foreign words, but experts who are consciously cultivated and communicative. But neither are they pretentious IT strategy consultants with visionary concepts and utopian hourly rates that no local SME would want to afford.